Open the Safari browser

Only Safari will allow this “save to home screen” installation – all other browsers, like Chrome or Firefox, don’t have this capability.


Type “”

Enter “” in the browser and hit the “go” button at the lower right of the keyboard on your screen.

Tap “go”

Tap the “Share Icon”

When the Giti Commercial Truck Tires App screen appears, look for the “Share Icon” – a square with an arrow pointing up – at the bottom of your screen.

Swipe Up

Swipe up to scroll to reveal additional options below the “Copy” function, and select “Add to Home Screen”

Tap “Add to Home Screen”

Tap “Add”

A screen with a Giti Icon will will appear, with the label “Home – App” on the right. You can customize the label (like “Giti Truck App”), or just tap “Add” to place the icon on your iPhone or iPad home screen.

Welcome Home!

The Giti Truck App Icon should now appear  on your iPhone or iPad home screen!

The icon location can be moved/organized on your phone:
Move and organize apps on iPhone


Open the Chrome browser

Type “”

Type “” in the browser and hit enter.

Tap the “Menu Icon”

When the Giti Commercial Truck Tires App screen appears, look for the “Menu Icon” at the bottom of your screen – on some versions of Chrome, it appears as three dots.

Tap “Add to Home Screen”

Select “Add to Home Screen” from the list of actions that appears on your screen.

Tap “Add”

A screen with the label “Home – App” will appear. You can customize the label (like “Giti Truck App”), or just tap “Add” to place the icon on your home screen.

Welcome Home!

The Giti Truck App Icon should now appear  on your home screen!

The icon location can be moved/organized on your device:
Move and organize apps on Android